Femovate by Guidea
UX sponsorship program
Identity design
Website design
Pitch deck design


Femovate, an initiative by Guidea, is a UX sponsorship program dedicated to supporting early-stage FemTech startups. Since its inception in 2013, the program has awarded $1.5 million in UX services, assisting 50 healthcare startups in developing user-friendly digital product designs.

As a women-owned, women-led company, Femovate has provided digital product strategy and design for over 40 live products, serving 660 million users worldwide. Their expertise in medical software, healthcare SaaS, SaMD, digital therapeutics, and regulated medical devices enables them to tackle specific product design challenges efficiently.

Empowering Innovation in Women’s Health

Inspired by the Guidea logo, we developed an identity for the Femovate brand. Incorporating elements from the Guidea logo and introducing a new style, we crafted a brand that is friendly, experimental, yet professional. The result is a unique, versatile, and powerful brand identity poised to impact the women’s health and femtech space.