The Power of Storytelling in Branding

The Power of Storytelling in Branding

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From ancient myths and legends to modern-day advertising, stories have the power to attract audiences, build deep connections, and even influence decisions.

In today’s fast-paced and competitive marketplace, the power of storytelling has become even more important if you want to shortcut the process of building trust with your customers.

I’ll share 15 story ideas with you today.

Studies indicate that messages conveyed through storytelling are up to 22 times more memorable than straightforward facts. — Study by Jerome Bruner, cognitive psychologist

Here are 3 misconceptions around brand storytelling:

  • “It’s a marketing gimmick to drive more sales, and I feel sleazy doing it.”
  • “I hate this constant self-promotion, it doesn’t provide value.”
  • “I don’t have much to tell besides my origin story.”


Let’s discover the 4 types of brand stories you should be telling:

1. Company story

2. Product story

3. Customer story

4. Industry story

1. Company story

People prefer to buy from people rather than brands. Consumers are interested in learning about the people behind the brand and what motivates them beyond making a profit. Here are some ideas:

Founder’s story or origin story:

How did your company come to be? What were the struggles? How did you overcome all the obstacles?

Vision story:

What’s your vision for the future? Why’s it important?

Mission story:

What are you planning to do now? Why’s it important?

Behind-the-brand story:

Spotlight people who are behind the brand. What inspired them to do that? What did they do? They can be advisors, investors, vendors, employees, even family and friends.

Charity story:

Do you support any initiative or charity? Why are you involved in it? What have you done? Any behind-the-scenes story to share?

2. Product story

Building a good product isn’t enough. Brands that show how their product is made, create transparency and earn the trust of their customers. Try these story ideas:

Challenge story:

How did you overcome challenges when building your product?

Sourcing story:

How did you source the materials? Where did you find them? Who made the product?

Why story:

Why did you decided to create this product or a certain product feature in the first place?

3. Customer story

In brand-building, your brand isn’t the hero. The customer is! Let your customers tell their stories in an authentic way to inspire others to join your mission. Here are some story ideas:

Customer success story:

Showcase your customer’s success through your product.

Customer testimonial:

Let your customer tell their stories.

Customer spotlight story:

What did they do that’ll inspire others? Are they aligned with your mission?

Customer appreciation story:

Do any customers go out of their way to recommend your brand to others? Tell their stories and show your appreciation.

4. Industry story

Showing your knowledge of the industry will help your brand to gain authority. It’ll also inspire customers, partners and employees to join your mission. Try these ideas:

Problem story:

Many startups are in the business to disrupt the status quo. What’s the status quo of your industry? What are the problems? How are they not serving your customers?

Future story:

What are the trends you see in your industry? How does your brand fit into this new future? How will it benefit your customers?

Technology story:

Are there new technologies in your industry? What are they? How will it benefit your customers?

Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell. – Seth Godin

Now that you have 15 story ideas, where do you use them?

  • Website
  • Social media
  • Advertising campaigns
  • Pitch deck
  • Sales calls
  • Event presentation
  • Interviews
  • Product packaging

Want to know how to write a captivating story? Follow this formula:

1. Struggle — What’s the current situation? What’s the problem?

2. Solution — What did the person do in response to this problem?

3. Success — How did the person succeed despite the challenges?


1. Struggle

Sarah, like many women globally, struggled with endometriosis. Despite experiencing severe symptoms, she was repeatedly dismissed by doctors and faced stigmas from society. It took her 10 long years to receive a proper diagnosis.

2. Solution

Determined to help other women facing similar struggles, Sarah founded a company that educates doctors on endometriosis and prioritizes women’s health needs. She wanted to create a safe and supportive environment where women would never be dismissed or ignored.

3. Success

Sarah’s efforts paid off as her company quickly gained recognition and support. Women from all over the world sought out her company for its compassionate and knowledgeable healthcare providers. Sarah’s success story is one of resilience and determination, and a shining example of how one person can make a difference for so many.

Storytelling is a powerful tool in building trust and connecting with customers.

I’ve laid out 4 types of stories you can tell, and how to write a story that really grabs attention.

Use these stories on your website, social media, ads, and other places to make your brand unforgettable.

Kung Pik Liu


Kung Pik Liu • Founder of Design Angel

Whenever you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Startup Branding Quiz:

Health check your brand to identify areas for improvement and take your brand to the next level. → TAKE THE QUIZ

2. Build a Fundable Brand™ Bootcamp:

A 30-day bootcamp for first-time founders to create your very own investor-ready brand (even if you have ZERO design or marketing experience) in just 1 hour a day. → JOIN THE WAITLIST

3.  Brand Perfect Unlimited: Subscribe to our friendly service plan with no proposal or scope of work required. Request unlimited designs hassle-free. → SEE PLANS